I’m working as a research scientist and research software engineer at the Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA), which is located at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. My current work evolves around any topic related to support of sounding rocket missions as a payload and systems engineer. This includes design and operations of Ground Support Equipment (IT) as well as the service module. Besides providing power to experiments and subsystems, the service module contains the onboard computer which is responsible to handle internal events and transmit and receive all data. I committed myself to the challenge of automating the deployment of a mission configurations with respect to the IT infrastructure and software. Next to hands-on engineering tasks this includes software engineering, programming and DevOps practice for ground and flight software systems.
Here, I benefit from my previous research activities. They were twofold. On the one hand, I developed training material evolving around the broad topic of Research Software Engineering. I was also involved in teaching these topics to PhD students, researches, and others within DLR and in the HIFIS project. Here, I was part of the Consulting Service which supports researchers with software engineering, open source, and software licenses. On the other hand, I researched and designed software applications and algorithms evolving around the research topic of Provenance and W3C standard PROV. In this context, I worked in several research projects from different technical domains. These domains include Software Engineering, Space Situational Awareness and Space Debris, GNSS with Galileo as well as Energy Systems.
To get my head free of work-realted tasks, I started to fly gliders at the FSG DLR at the airport Oberpfaffenhofen (EDMO). If everything works out, I retrieve my glider pilots license (SPL) this year.
M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2017
Leipzig University
B.Eng. in Communication and Information Technology, 2014
Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL)
Communication and Electronics Technician, 2001
Karstadt Warenhaus AG
Working areas:
Working areas:
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